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Partners in action

Este artículo discute la experiencia de la Red de Gestión de Riesgos en Huancavelica (GRIDEH), establecido por los esfuerzos de varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil que trabajan estrechamente con la gente local.

América del sur: Una visión regional de la situación de riesgo de desastres

El presente documento se enmarca dentro del proyecto "Fortaleciendo la reducción de riesgo de desastres en América del Sur a través de la promoción de la implementación de las prioridades de acción del Marco de Acción de Hyogo (MAH) a nivel regional, nacional y local" que implementa la Oficina Regional de UNISDR.

Disasters in the Region: Hurricane season 2009 in the Caribbean

Based on expert forecasters, the hurricane season in 2009 will be less intense than in 2008. Every year, the hurricane season begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. According to existing records, last year experienced one of the most active seasons in recent history. There were 16 tropical storms, of which 8 became hurricanes that caused at least 900 deaths, especially in Haiti, and destruction in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Based on expert forecasters, the hurricane season in 2009 will be less intense than in 2008. Every year, the hurricane season begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. According to existing records, last year experienced one of the most active seasons in recent history. There were 16 tropical storms, of which 8 became hurricanes that caused at least 900 deaths, especially in Haiti, and destruction in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba.

Gender Perspective: Working together for disaster risk reduction

Esta publicación destaca el hecho de que la recuperación de desastres y la rehabilitación proporcionar buenas oportunidades para que las mujeres desempeñen roles públicos con el apoyo de sus familias y comunidades. También subraya la importancia de trabajar con hombres y mujeres para promover un equilibrio de género enfoque a la reducción del riesgo de desastres.

La gestión del riesgo hoy. El Marco de la Acción de Hyogo

Análisis de la Acción de Hyogo en América Latina.

School safety baseline study

The present study is in response to commitments made during the second session of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in June 2009. The purpose of those commitments was to assess the level of disaster resilience in all schools in disaster-prone countries by 2011 and have all related government‘s agencies develop a national plan for school safety by 2015. This study consists of a desk analysis of ten initially selected countries using available information provided by key informants from institutions working in those selected countries in disaster reduction project in the education sector. It is based on the information at the national level. Sometimes the information provided could be an example of specific activities executed at the local or school level, however.